ACAP Staff traveled to Albany to join staff from other agencies in a performance at NYS Community Action Association’s 8th Annual Symposium on Poverty and Economic Security. The group sang inspirational songs in “The Well” at the Empire State Plaza, led by Kirk & Kellen, a Christian Pop/R&B Duo out of Western NY. Performers held up signs during the performance depicting the services Community Action provide, to highlight the positive effect our programs have on our communities. Pictured with Kirk & Kellen (each end) are Shelly Whiteman – Early Head Start Coordinator, Martha Santana – Child Care Training Specialist, Alan Jones – CEO, Sue Martin – Account Clerk, and Kathy Robertson – Payroll Specialist.
The Poverty Symposium is an opportunity to explore issues affecting low income families and learn about the working being done to combat poverty. This year’s symposium was the kick off for the Poverty Tour which will be coming to our area on a date yet to be determined. To find out more about the Poverty Tour visit NYSCAA’s website at