Free Weatherization & Energy Services to income eligible home owners in Essex County – call 518-873-3207 ext. 241.
(see below for landlords)

If you are approved for our program, an Energy Audit will be scheduled to assess the needs of your home. The Auditor will then design, within the program’s constraints, a customized set of conservation measures. ACAP will make the needed improvements, at no cost to you.

Why Weatherize

Low-income residents pay a large percentage of their incomes to heat and cool their homes.
· Lowers heating and cooling costs
· Makes your home more energy efficient
· Makes your home safer and healthier

Typical Weatherization Work

The following are some examples of what can be included in weatherizing your home:

  • Air Sealing drafts and air leaks
  • Improving the efficiency of your heating system with a Tune & Clean
  • Adding insulation to attic, sidewalls, basement, etc.
  • Identifying indoor air quality problems
  • Installing other energy-saving measures such as LED light bulbs, aerators, etc.
  • Low-flow shower heads
  • Pipe wrap
  • Replacement of high energy using refrigerators
  • Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Smoke Detectors

You can access an application by downloading using this link: Weatherization Application

If you are a landlord, renting to low income tenants, contact our office today for information on cost of the energy audit and weatherization work.


EmPower+  is a program that offers free energy efficiency services and energy saving tips to income-eligible New Yorkers. To help reduce energy use and costs, EmPower+ offers electric reduction measures such as ENERGY STAR® lighting and refrigerators, as well as home performance measures like insulation and air sealing.


ACAP Energy Service staff is BPI (Building performance Institute) certified and the agency is a BPI GoldStar Home Performance Contractor.   BPI contractors are trained in the most current building science and use state-of-the art equipment to diagnose your home.  Trained professionals understand the whole house approach and can help guide you in your home improvement decisions to maximize your energy savings and ensure your family’s comfort and safety.  ACAP Weatherization Assistance Program and Energy Service Staff are New York Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting Certified.

ACAP Weatherization Assistance Program and Energy Service Staff are certified to work Lead Safe for Renovation, Repair and Painting .

What should you expect with your Energy Audit?

First, our Energy Auditor will sit down with the homeowner and complete a questionnaire about your home. We will also take measurements of your home, measure all windows and doors, look at all areas of your home, inside and out to determine what we can do to make your home more energy efficient. Below are a few of the tools we use to help determine what your home may need.

  We will perform a Blower Door Test. A blower door is a machine used to measure the air tightness of buildings. It can also be used to measure airflow between building zones, to test ductwork air tightness and to help physically locate air leakage sites in the building envelope.
 Air Leaks: The most important factor in how your house performs.

Air leaks are a big deal, they are the single largest cause behind comfort problems, high energy bills, and often moisture problems. Almost no one measures air leakage, strangely enough, and if they do, they don’t show you how to fix the problems. Enter the dynamic duo of the infrared camera and the blower door.

An infrared camera is a powerful tool. They can literally see heat or lack thereof. But when the blower door is paired with an infrared camera, magic happens. They can show exactly where cold air is flowing into your home where it shouldn’t be.