Weatherization Program Applications are now available for download! The ACAP Weatherization application consists of serveral files, we have combined them into one PDF file to make it easy to download. Just download and print. An address is included in the packet for you to mail application back to ACAP. weatherization-application-2016
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) enables low-income families to permanently reduce their heating and cooling cost by making their homes more energy efficient. Weatherization promotes a “whole house approach” concept. Weatherization technologies include a wide range of energy efficiency measures for retrofitting homes. Service providers choose the best combination of measures for reducing total energy consumption in low-income housing. This is based on a comprehensive energy audit, which is performed on each home.
Energy Services are available to households who do not meet the above criteria for any of the programs mentioned above. There is an established fee for performing a comprehensive audit and write up. Any of the work recommended through the auditing process may be contracted through ACAP and can be performed by either in house crew or by a qualified sub-contractor. Fee is based on a per job cost.
ACAP Energy Service staff is BPI (Building performance Institute) certified and the agency is a BPI GoldStar Home Performance Contractor. BPI contractors are trained in the most current building science and use state-of-the art equipment to diagnose your home. Trained professionals understand the whole house approach and can help guide you in your home improvement decisions to maximize your energy savings and ensure your family’s comfort and safety.
ACAP Weatherization Assistance Program and Energy Service Staff are New York Lead Safety for Renovation, Repair and Painting Certified.
For more Information