ACAP Community Action Angels wrapped up their Kids Are Key Project with presentations to the groups and individuals who participated in the project. The project gave children an opportunity to identify a need in their community, create a plan to address the need, and then implement the plan.
At the ACAP After School site in Schroon Lake children collected food to help families in their community, at the Westport After School site children crocheted scarves for the Special Olympics. Katelynn Hughes and her family held a Karaoke Event at the Whallonsburg Grange. Katelynn’s goal was to have a fun event and help collect food for ACAP’s Food Shelf at the same time.
Pictured below are the Site Supervisor’s for the After School Sites (Vera Martin and Barb Taylor) receiving their certificates, and Katelynn receiving her award. Participants also received a copy of the Kids Are Key booklet developed by the Community Action Angels as part of the Statewide Project.