ACAP is proud to announce that Ellen Gordon, ACAP Employment and Training Director, has been chosen to co-chair of the United Way Campaign for 2014. As a long time campaign team member, Ellen is a strong supporter of United Way and the impact it has on the communities it serves. Below is a statement from the new co-chair.
“I am very proud to be the Co-Chair for the 2014 United Way of the Adirondack Region’s Campaign. I share this year’s fundraising efforts with Co-Chair DaleAnn Wolters who is President of Compassionate Friends of the North Country (bereavement counseling) and also works for JCEO. Together we hope to engage our member agencies in assisting the campaign team with reaching out, not only within their own agencies, but also to other agencies and businesses in their communities. Who better to tell how the United Way funds received are put to work to assist our friends and neighbors.”
The 2014 United Way Campaign Video has also been released. As a member agency, ACAP is included in the video and a few of our staff are featured (click here to view this year’s video).