With cold weather approaching, Adirondack Community Action Programs, Inc. would like you to know more about their Weatherization Services. Since 1976, ACAP Weatherization Assistance Program has been reducing energy usage for low-income families, especially the elderly, disabled and children. Barbara Allen, Weatherization Director, says “Through the installation of energy efficient measures, we make homes more energy efficient and increase the health and safety of homes. We make homes warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.”
Low-income families typically spend 14.4% of their total income on energy versus 3.3% for other households. Weatherization saves families an average of $437 in heating and cooling costs every year at current prices. Weatherizing homes reduces the energy costs for families who are often forced to choose between heat and other necessities.
Work is done by certified professional staff or sub contractors who work hard to make every home more energy efficient, more affordable and more comfortable to live in. The program works on all types of homes: single family, multi-family and mobile homes, and works all year around. Allen says, “ In Essex County alone, over 3700 homes have been weatherized since the program began in 1976.”
October 30th is Weatherization Day and Allen says she feels it’s important for people to realize the success the program has had in creating an average energy savings for low-income families. Savings average 35% of consumption for the typical low-income homeowner. For every $1.00 invested $2.51 is returned in reduced energy bills.
Weatherization requires skilled workers to carry out the program, putting people back to work. These are “green jobs”-jobs that reduce total energy use and environmental impact on the planet. Since 1976, men and women have been making Weatherization Work!! So far, over 7 million homes have been served by the Weatherization Program nationwide.
Essex County residents can call 518-873-3207 or go online to acapinc.org to learn more about the program.